Non-emergency line
In case of emergency, call 302-659-5555 or 911
Selection Process Outline
1. Applicant submits a formal application.
2. Applicant is notified in writing of written & physical agility test date/time/location as well as content of the test.
3. The written & physical agility test is conducted.
4. The applicant is notified (same day) in writing of pass/fail status.
5. Applicants who successfully pass the test(s) are notified in writing (same day) of the date/time/location of the initial oral board examination.
6. An initial oral board is conducted.
7. Applicants are notified of pass/fail status of the oral board examination.
8. Applicants chosen by oral board panel will be asked to complete a personal history questionnaire in preparation for the background investigation.
9. A background investigation is conducted.
10. Following the background investigation, successful candidates are notified in writing of date/time/location of an interview with the Chief of Police.
11. The Chief of Police will conduct interviews and make the final selection followed by a conditional offer of employment to his/her selection(s). Employment will be contingent upon individual(s) passing the physical and psychological examination.
The entire selection process takes approximately 60 days after the deadline for submission of applications. Individuals not selected may reapply at any time that a vacancy is advertised (unless otherwise notified).
*Note –certified police applicants may be fast-tracked through the selection process at the discretion of the Chief of Police.
*Note – a copy of the Smyrna Police Department policy regarding recruitment and selection is available to applicants upon request.